Myths About Rehabilitation
Many individuals have thoughts or impression of recovery and treatment that are completely untrue. Although the experience will feel different, you shouldn't be afraid to check into one if you need to.
It's perfectly natural to fear the unknown if this is your first time considering rehabilitation or you've tried other options unsuccessfully.
Do not allow fear to keep you from making a decision that could potentially change your life for the better.
In 2011 alone, the number of people who went into rehab stood at 6 million. To help make the decision to go on the road to recovery, knowing the facts about medical care in rehab will leave you feeling assured of your decision.

When it comes to checking yourself into rehab, knowing what is true and what is false is vital.
Discrediting The Misconceptions About Treatment
Even with the rehab being glamorized or critically analysed in general population, very few people understand the processes of addiction treatment.
Some of the common false perceptions include

Myth - Only Celebrities Go For Treatment
People seem to think that rehab is for ex-child stars and rich celebrities in reality shows because of what is propagated by the media. Motion pictures like 28 Days demonstrate a Hollywood-tinged variant of the recovery encounter; while VIP talk indicates utilize recovery as the punchline to jokes about stars doing combating their addictions. It's sufficiently negative in regard for make anyone nauseous. Gratefully, treatment is similarly as open for the everyman, except without the general population investigation of the rich and well known.
Myth - You Are At Rock Bottom
Another group of people who are commonly known for getting treatment is the ones who are really bad off, on the other end of the spectrum. Desperately in debt, disowned by family, homeless - These are people who treatment is their only option and have drifted so far.
Even those addicts that are able to function properly have still managed to find rehab useful, meaning it is not just for those whose life has hit its lowest point. You do not have to get to desperation so as to make right decisions towards a better life.
Myth - Quitting Properly Involves Quitting All At Once
The specialists and medical caretakers who work in treatment centres are prepared to help you conquer your dependence in the most agreeable and proficient way that is available. For heavy abuse cases, drug detoxification under supervision helps wean addicts off drugs with few side effects. Professionally prescribed medications, for example, these are frequently used to simple withdrawal
- Buprenorphine - These reduce withdrawal pains from opioid addiction which is a mild opioid with limited abuse potential.
- Methadone - Similar to Buprenorphine in effects, but used to treat severe opioid and Heroin addictions.
- Naltrexone - The withdrawal symptoms of opioids and alcohol, together with their urges, are minimised by this drug.
- Antidepressants People suffering from depression as a result of the withdrawal symptoms may be prescribed these drugs.
No matter how the detoxification journey goes at any particular treatment centre, it is highly recommended that you go through under supervision from a skilled personnel rather than attempting to quit on your own.
Myth - You Pay Too Much For Treatment
Some treatment facilities, mostly the inpatient options, can be costly In any case, there are numerous alternatives accessible to individuals who require help paying for treatment. Some treatment plans can lower the cost for you depending on your financial situation or offer you a generous payment plan or several insurance companies can settle payment partially or fully for you. Don't allow finances to hold you back.
Myth - You Can Quit By Yourself
Despite the willingness to quit being important in successfully completing treatment, on its own is not sufficient. Treatment gives expert guidance with people who can walk with you, hold you to account, system and support to keep you from relapsing once you have completed treatment.
Why You Should Not Fear Treatment
There is a strike of balance between compassion and tough love in the best treatment centres. There are many challenges in this process and the medical personnel are familiar with these challenges.
They will ensure that you are well prepared for any future hurdles once you get through the initial unpleasantness of medical care, since they want you to make a complete recovery. Staying clean is a process that continues throughout your life and quitting is only the first step.

Find Your Treatment
There is a medical option available for everyone; it does not matter what your drug of choice is, how far gone you are, or whether you are rich or poor. It's the best decision you can make for your life now, and the future. Call us on 0800 246 1509 and we will help you create a new life for yourself.