Ensure The Program Fulfils Your Requirements
The way towards complete fitness and sobriety is never swift and simple. It is a lifetime responsibility of perseverance and determination.
There's no shortage of addiction rehab program options at your disposal.
Therefore don't forget that it is important and possible to look for a program that is a suitable fit for you. You can raise your chances for long-term success and staying sober if the centre that you have decided on makes you feel content since you will then have a better chance to endure the process to the end.

The benefit gained from altering a lifestyle of dependency towards one for rehabilitation though can be completely rewarding and really worth the while.
The road to sobriety begins with simple steps forward like any other journey.
Steps Of The Addiction Treatment Program
The specific steps of a person's addiction rehabilitation process will differ according to the treatment plan used, the type of addiction, and the individual seeking rehab.
- Every recovery procedure, however, usually shares same crucial elements Intake.
- Detoxification process
- Rehab (rehabilitation)
- Continuous Healing
Please contact us to talk with one of our rehab support counsellors if you have any questions regarding the treatment process or your personal road to recovery and they will provide you with answers in private, at any time of day, without any commitment on your side.

Intake is the process that helps you decide whether a particular rehab centre is a good match for you (and vice versa). Asking anything you feel is significant for you regarding the facility is done in this phase. In order to best determine how the program can most optimally tailor its treatment plan to you and your particular requirements and stage of addiction the rehab centre will also have some question for you and may ask you to undergo some screenings or diagnostic tests. Family history, history of personal substance or drug use and financial arrangements in terms of paying for treatment are some of the things that the rehab centre would be interested in finding out.
13 Crucial Principles Of Dependency Treatment
- The National Institute on Drug Abuse says that there are a few key principles to remember when starting a drug or alcohol treatment program
- 1. Addiction affects your brain and behaviour.
- 2. It is important to tackle addiction as early as possible as it influences the outcome.
- 3. You don't have to be admitted for treatment of one's own free will for the treatment to be successful.
- Several patients who are forced by the court, employer or loved ones to go to rehabilitation can still obtain recovery after they have completed the program.
- 4. A treatment option that works for everyone doesn't exist.
- Different people have different needs and therefore different facilitates work for different individuals.
- 5. Not only your dependency or substance abuse will be dealt with in an efficient treatment, but also your other life areas will be inspected thoroughly.
- 6. Mental health concerns are most of the time associated with drug dependency and must as well be assessed and dealt with during treatment.
- 7. A treatment program should also check for any co-occurring infectious conditions like TB, HIV and hepatitis.
- 8. You have to dedicate sufficient time for treatment for you to successfully conquer your dependency.
- 9. Physical detox is essential although this is just the primary phase of treatment.
- 10. Lasting modifications in behaviour mostly entails important steps such as continuous assistance and behavioural therapy.
- 11. Behavioural therapy, which may include some mix of family, group and individual therapy, is the most usual type of treatment.
- In addition to therapy, some treatment plans incorporate pharmaceutical treatment.
- 12. A good treatment plan has provisions for monitoring the recovering addict in order to curb possible relapses during the course of treatment.
- 13. To fulfil your changing requirements and situations, a treatment plan should be reviewed regularly.
Types Of Rehab Facilities
- Rehab treatment programs may offer
- Services while admitted into the facility for inpatient treatment.
- Services offered without need for admission, that is, outpatient treatment.
- Some centres offer a combination of both in and out patient facilities.
It doesn't matter if you choose outpatient care or inpatient addiction treatment as the intake procedure will be almost identical and managed by one of the counsellors at the facility.
Treatment While Admitted At A Facility
An inpatient treatment program withdraws those who battle with addiction from their previous lifestyles and puts them in a treatment centre that provides round-the-clock care provided by employees. The inpatient care removes the individual from temptation and the ability to relapse - both during detox and during rehab in order to help eliminate the stress.
Inpatient or residential medical care is mostly the suggested treatment method for patients with long-term dependencies or co-occurring medical or mental health concerns (also referred to as dual diagnosis).
- This treatment could occur between one of two places
- A hospital.
- An inpatient facility at a hospital provides more in-depth, 24/7 access to medical services and observation from medical experts.
- There is the other option of a residential facility but one that is not located in a hospital.
- Around-the-clock access to healthcare professionals is not offered by some inpatient facilities that are not hospital-based.
- Though, these do provide round-the-clock care from employees and access to different services at a hospital can be organised when needed.
Similar to exclusive, resort facilities, luxury inpatient centres can provide a more pleasant stay. An executive inpatient facility offers some of the most expensive settings that pander to busy executives permitting them to maintain a continuous involvement in their job's obligations while still receiving inpatient treatment for their addictions.
Outpatient Treatment
Outpatient programmes are just the same with inpatient programmes only that you are allowed to head home at the end of every treatment session. Outpatient care allows you to maintain some of the responsibilities if you have significant work or familial obligations - like caring for children or elderly parents. Outpatient programme is an optimum choice for individuals having non-severe or short-term dependencies. For those with severe, long-term addictions or for those with dual diagnosis conditions it may be a less optimal choice.

Detox Process
Nearly all drug and alcohol dependencies need detoxification procedure at the beginning of the rehab process. The detoxification stage is devised to eliminate every trace of alcohol and substances from the patient's body. At times, maintenance prescriptions may be recommended to alleviate the withdrawal signs linked with particular substances like heroin and opioid prescription drugs.
- The gravity of the detox procedure differs depending on some factors
- Metabolism and specific body constitution of a patient.
- The specific drug and amount of dosage taken.
- The duration of drug intake.
- If there are any other co-occurring addictions.
In order to make detoxification a safe process it has to be done under the watchful eye of a medical professional. As detoxification has the potential to be extremely serious (and in some instances even fatal) for some drugs and individuals, it is not recommended that individuals detox alone at their homes.
When an individual uses a drug or drinks alcohol habitually, his/her body gets used to the particular degree of the substance contained in it. Withdrawal symptoms are therefore experienced by the body once the drug or substance is removed from the body. Withdrawal symptoms can even start to appear within a couple hours depending on the substance used, though they usually tend to appear within the first 24 hours after the last drug dose.
Depending on the substance that was used, withdrawal symptoms might be different.
- A few of normal withdrawal signs though can involve complications like
- Suffering from severe bouts of depression.
- Lacking in concentration.
- A drop in appetite.
- Feeling extremely fatigued.
- Anxiety.
- Having a runny nose.
- Insomnia.
- Sweating.
- Dizziness.
- Cramping.
- Diarrhoea.
- Shaking involuntarily.
- Tachycardia.
- Having trouble breathing.
- A continuous pain the head.
- Muscle aches and strain.
- Seizures.
- Suffering a stroke.
- Paranoia.
- Suffering from a heart attack.
Medications That Are Commonly Used In Detoxification
The particular kind of addiction that's receiving treatment will determine the method of treatment (including any pharmaceutical help). You will probably be evaluated by medical experts before detox in order to diagnose what kind and what levels of pharmaceutical help you might require while in detox.
Some addictions, like those to heroin, alcohol and opiates, usually exhibit severe withdrawal side effects during detox and require medications for it, while other addictions might not require detoxification to go along with the rehab program.
Depending on the substance that was used, medications will vary. However, some examples of medications that may be employed during detox, may include
Most commonly utilised for detox procedure for heroin dependency or opiate medications, methadone contributes a lot in alleviating those coping with dependency from the drugs. Usually, the dosage of methadone provided is gradually lessened eventually to allow patients to be rid of any substance dependency in due course.
Some of the recovering addicts, however, continue taking Methadone past their detox period into years or even the rest of their lives. For a few, methadone may in itself be similarly addicting. The treatment approaches can differ from patient to patient because of this potential danger of substituting a previous addiction with a brand new addiction.
Opiates, prescription medication and heroine addiction also incorporates the use of Buprenorphine in the detox process. Recently, since buprenorphine doesn't induce any kind of "high" in the patients that use it, making abuse not so common, it has become a preferred choice comparing to methadone treatment. Buprenorphine, like methadone, is also tapered off until the patient is no longer dependent on the drug. However, some patients continue to take it for months or even years.
This set of drugs is commonly used during detoxification from alcohol and includes anti-anxiety drugs.
- Benzodiazepines are sometimes used to
- Lowers the possibility of seizures in patients who are detoxing.
- Reduce the severity of withdrawal side effects.
- To alleviate depression and feelings of anxiety that are common in the detoxification process.
These work to relive discomfort during the process of detoxification as well as reducing anxiety and irritability as they are a mild sedative. They can also assist in decreasing the possibility of seizures in patients, similar to benzos, which can often happen during detoxification from alcohol. Contact us today if you have any doubts or concerns regarding detox and withdrawal while in rehab. One of our members of our treatment support group will be glad to resolve your enquiries regarding finding a rehabilitation facility that can assist you in the process of detoxification.
As soon as patients complete the initial detoxification from alcohol or substances, they will carry on with rehab. During rehabilitation patients get to the main reasons for their addictions and attend to those concerns so that they can successfully carry on with their lives without returning to addictive behaviour, alcohol or substances.
One-On-One Therapy
- In behavioural therapy targeted towards the individual
- Patients would have to do a personal assessment by figuring out the time when they started taking the drugs and why they resorted to misusing it.
- Patients learn the strategies that they could use in order to focus their time on hobbies and other interests.
- In order to minimize the amount of time devoted towards thoughts on relapsing, recovering addicts learn time management skills in order to utilize their time in a better way.
- Patients are taught how to overcome triggers when for their drug abuse when they happen after they learn how to recognize them.
- Patients are more likely to put their plan into action and avoid relapse if they have a plan for various tempting conditions.
This kind of cognitive behavioural therapy deals with the patient's thoughts about drug abuse and his/her thoughts in general about life. Patients are able to make changes about how they think and reform their thought pattern with a view of achieving a healthy and sober life.
Group Therapy
The process of addiction rehabilitation typically comprises group therapy. These group gatherings assist those coping from dependency to associate with others who are experiencing similar conditions. It is always refreshing and encouraging to meet other people going through the same thing so you know that you are not alone in it. Likewise, group members find comfort when other patients impart their own experiences about dependency and recovery. This sense of community support is essential to the recovery process.
Family Therapy
Family therapy is popular as part of treatment in many rehabilitation facilities. Addiction affects others who are around the individual who is suffering from the addiction. Family members are often those who are most deeply affected by their loved one's addiction, and they are an essential element of the recovery process for that person.
Family therapy sessions are commonly open to other family members' participation in most of the rehabilitation programs. Family members can discuss pain caused by their loved one's addiction during these sessions and can also discuss their desire to see that person live a healthy life. The results can be solved with the help of family therapy so the family can serve as the pillar of support once their loved one leaves the rehabilitation facility.
Recovery Process
Recovery is not over even when patients are done with their rehab program. As a matter of fact, for several patients recovery is long-term process that depends on their continuous work and concentration. Sometimes, the path to lifelong recovery may appear easy. At some point, it is hard for people to endure the lure of relapsing. Lifelong support is also necessary as there are different ups and downs in the process just like with anything else in life.
Patients will interact with counsellors to talk about a strategy for aftercare before they leave the addiction treatment program. Follow-up programs are provided by a lot of addiction treatment centres in order to help individuals maintain control over their lives. These succeeding plans can involve weekend sessions at the rehab facility when the patient believes further admission is needed.
Other patients offer to live with other recovering addicts in sober-living facilities to maintain their sobriety. Sober-living facilities are generally structured in the same way, including assigning chores to each resident and having group therapy sessions for everyone. Individuals also work in outside jobs. This provides a supportive period of transition for individuals recovering from their addictions before they get tossed back into their everyday lives.
Some patients accept arranged drug tests in order to feel responsible for staying sober, while others keep going to regular therapy meetings after rehab. One of the best ways of getting a local support group is to join group therapy.
A couple of the more well-known 12-step groups are Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) that many individuals recovering from addiction attend on a regular basis. AA and NA both conduct gatherings all over the country at really practical schedules. For many other addictions, there are also different copies of AA model.
- The anonymous groups for other types or variations of addictions include
- Overeaters Anonymous (OA).
- Pills Anonymous (PA).
- Emotions Anonymous (EA).
- Gamblers Anonymous (GA).
- Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA).
- CA, that is, Cocaine Anonymous.
- Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA).
While some people are able to draw support from general support groups, others are specific that the support that helps them is that of the 12-step groups.
It is commonly said, in these post-rehab support groups, that members receive what the give, so they are stimulated to share their life stories with the group and to talk with other participants. As soon as the coping members become more stable in their sober condition, they have the option to provide guidance to those who are recently working on their recovery.