Our Aim
We want anyone affected by someone else's drug or alcohol use to have the chance to be part of a loving and supportive family, benefit from healthy relationships, and enjoy mental and physical wellbeing.
Family lives and wellbeing are often destroyed by drug and alcohol use.
We encourage family members and carers, assist frontline staff and convince decision-makers to prevent this from taking place.

Quite often barriers to recovery include prejudice and stigma which can cause harm but we treat families and individuals with drug and alcohol dependence with respect and dignity.

What We Value
We spend time with families and caregivers and understand their view as they can provide good help since they confront challenges regularly.
We work as advised by our supporters with the use of empathy and facts, we notify, assist and enable both individuals impacted by a loved one's substance abuse problem and also the staff who assist them. We build skills, pathways, confidence, and resources so both groups can help themselves, their peers, clients, and communities.
We're Driven By What Works
The effect of substance abuse on a family bond and security can be intense and diverse. We perform our work with care and understand what is best for people in this present reality.
Evidence and real life experience is valuable. We are driven by what our friends, families and supporters tell us works.

We Are Not Kidding About Our Goals And Missions
We deliver our work in a committed and serious way that is of the highest quality. Our aim is to develop a community free from disgrace towards medication and liquor abusers and their families, and we are determined to eliminate such evils from society.
Who We Work With
We are eyes and ears of families, companions and carers and assist and enable those influenced by another's substance utilize, and strengthen the part played by people who have a stake in the issues that influence them. We build the capability, confidence, and capacity of practitioners to ensure the support they deliver is appropriate and effective. Our residential and key national leaders form strategies, because we grab and influence them in such a way that they handle the problems of families which they face everyday.