Truth Of Relapse As A Normal Part Of Recovery Call Stoke Drug Rehab
The claim that relapse is the common part of recovery is true to some scale.

Most individuals will have had a few failed attempts prior to this especially those who manage to achieve sustained sobriety. They may even claim that these failures helped them learn a great deal and that they finally achieved the ability to quit for good just because of these failures. There is no benefit of being too hard on oneself when an individual falls into relapse after a period of being sober. Under this circumstances, the best thing to do is take relapse as being part of the recovery process and moving on to working to get back to sobriety as soon as you can. Relapse can be a normal part of recovery or not depending on how you choose to see it.

It Is Not A Must That You Relapse Within Alcohol Rehab Stoke
Though we could consider relapse to be a normal occurrence in the recovery process it is not to be taken as a compulsory or necessary step in recovery.
Many individuals actually get to recover from addiction without going through relapse severally while a good number get to full recovery on the first attempt.
In an ideal world, addicts recover without going through relapse. In such a situation they can get back to reconstructing their lives without wasting time. People who stay away from relapse during the first time will also have an opportunity to escape from the many hazards, which are associated when they return back to addiction.
Hazards Of Relapse In Alcohol Rehab Stoke
It is always dangerous when a former addict goes back to substance abuse.
- The hazards of relapse are
- People who return to alcohol and substance abuse find they have no guarantees available to them about whether they will ever be able to become sober again and in fact, many never manage to do so
- In most cases, certain conditions have to be met for a person to be able to quit substance abuse and these conditions might never happen again
- An addiction is often defined as a progressive condition and the disease model of addiction indicates that the condition within the individual can continue to progress even when he or she is not indulging in alcohol or using drugs
- The description mentioned above clearly states that when an individual returns to his or her addiction things may be a lot worse than before
- Bad sides of addiction might become even worse when people have felt the good sides of recovery
- This raised awareness of the pains of addiction might cause people to react by raising the usage of drugs or alcohol in order to escape the suffering
- Addictions usually mean a lot of suffering for the people who are close to the user
- The suffering maybe that much greater when the person relapses
- Some of the health issues that arise as a result of addiction may not be reversible such as cirrhosis of the liver
- Those who relapse risk doing irreversible damage to their body organs
- A relapse suggests that the individual will be holding up their chance for a good life
- You can achieve sobriety at any age but it is obviously best to quit addiction at the earliest opportunity
- Another problem brought about by relapse is the lowering of self efficacy which is believing in your own ability to do something
- Because a person with low self-efficacy expects to fail in whatever they do, getting such a person to give up their addiction will not be easy
- The individual can get trapped within the revolving door syndrome where they could spend ages of their lives just by going in and out of rehab
- This is a very poor way of life and will also drain the resources of the patient and their loved ones
Normal As Justification For Relapse In Alcohol Rehab Stoke
Looking at relapse as a normal element of recovery can be very hazardous since people can use it as the excuse to go back to their addiction.

A highly destructive ability to adopt fallacious thinking is always there in the addict as a means of explaining their actions. The individual wants to believe that it is okay to go back to addiction because it is an expected aspect of their recovery. In some cases the patient will even justify relapse as a necessary part of recovery that will give them a stronger push to achieving sobriety. They will convince themselves that getting deeper into addiction will actually motivate them to want to quit permanently. What they do not realize is the dangers of such thinking as going deeper into addiction could lead to insanity or even death. Saying that relapse is normal during the recovery process does not get you off the hook.
Preventing Relapse Within Alcohol Rehab Stoke
After giving up an addiction, the individual needs to do everything within their power to avoid going back to substance abuse.
- They can do these things to help them stay clean
- It is essential that the individual understands the causes of relapse and has in place a plan to protect themselves from falling into such traps
- Hunger, anger, loneliness, and tiredness (which can be memorized with the acronym HALT) are some of the most usual triggers for relapse and people need to know them
- Making sobriety the primary priority within their lives is also essential for the individual
- The individual is at a high risk of relapse when they begin to take things within their lives for granted and are no longer interested in doing the things that have been keeping them sober
- During the first year of the recovery process, it is usually advisable that you don't make any major changes to your life
- You may start to see substance abuse as an escape in case you find yourself overwhelmed and unable to deal with everything coming your way
- Giving up on alcohol and drugs is certainly great, but it is generally not significant by itself to ensure a good life away from the addiction
- The individual needs to remember that recovery is a process and not an event, and therefore, they will be required to work harder before they can be considered as fully recovered
- Those who value sobriety will work hard to maintain it
- An appreciation diary and similar tools might help people remember things they might lose if they ever go back to substance abuse
- Many people are reminded constantly why they have to stay clean if they are a part of recovery group since they can get encouragement that way
- People following a recovery program may also find that this greatly is beneficial for their life
- Therapy sessions can give an individual an opportunity to explore the reasons why they fell into addiction in the first place
- Having the self-knowledge will mean that they are unlikely to make similar mistakes in the future
How To Deal With A Relapse In Alcohol Rehab Stoke
Although you shouldn't be too hard on yourself in case you relapse, you shouldn't take it lightly either. A relapse definitely does not need to be considered as the end of the world.
- It will be possible for the individual to salvage their sobriety if they use the following suggestions
- Realise the importance of taking action and get to recovery ASAP
- Since the longer you continue abusing, the harder it becomes to start over
- You're said to have experienced a slip in case you relapse but instantly regret it
- Should they be able to stop after this one time slip, they will have managed to avoid going to full relapse
- The fact that the individual has had a slip or relapse refers to the sign that they have somehow gone off course
- This is an indication that the individual will have to understand how they veered off course
- You may end up repeating the same mistake unless you use it as a learning experience
- The individuals are not only supposed to understand why they relapsed but take action to prevent something similar occurring again
- Choosing to handle things their own way is one reason why many people end up relapsing
- Being open to suggestions on what may make your recovery easier is the best approach when you're in recovery
- It will be necessary for the individual to redouble their efforts after a relapse
- You'll be at risk of repeating the same mistake in case you choose to go back to doing things just as you did before the relapse
- Being ambivalent towards their recovery is another common reason for why people relapse after a period of sobriety - they still held onto the idea that just maybe they could once again enjoy substance abuse
- It is important that those who want to maintain a sustained sobriety get rid of their ambivalence and accept the need of lifelong abstinence